어르신 사이버 강의실
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어르신 사이버 강의실
인지교육 [영어팝송] 영화 미나리 윤여정 수상 소감 대본
페이지 정보
작성자 평생교육팀 댓글 2건 조회 6,519회 작성일 21-05-06 09:29본문
Where were you while we were filming in Tulsa?
As you know, I am from Korea.
Most of European people call me 여 영 and some of them call me 유정
But tonight, you are all forgiven.
Usually, I am living in the other part of the world and I just watched the television, Oscars, the event on the television just watching.
But me, being here by myself is I can not believe I am here.
O. K. let me pull myself together.
Thank you for the tremendous thanks to the Academy members who voted for me.
Thank you for the wonderful Minari family and most of all Lee Isaac Chung.
I don't belive in competition.
How can I win Glenn Close? Win over Glenn Close?
We are the winners for the different movies.
Tonight I am here, I have just a little bit luck I think.
Also maybe it's American hositality for the Korea actor?
And I'd like to thank to my two boys who made me go out and work.
So beloved sons.
This is the result. Because mommy worked so hard.
And I'd like to dedicate this awad to my first director Kim Ki Young.
Thank you very much. Tremendous thank you for everybody.
Am I saying right?
- 윤여정 인터뷰.pptx (95.7K) 25회 다운로드 | DATE : 2021-05-10 17:25:28
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